>>22242773how about enough so that you aren't utterly dependent on the US for defense? You yurocunts are literally incapable of defending your own fucking borders let alone project deterrence outside of them across europe.
This retarded war would never have started in the first place if you queers were sitting on your own stockpile of military hardware just like putin was, he could see the absolutely pathetic state of european military power meant that no meaningful supply of hardware could be supplied to ukraine.
This is why every american president since fucking eisenhower has been telling you to spend more on military, but you decided to push your luck for decades on end sticking it to the american taxpayer for the cost of your defense so you could institute ever more absurd amounts of neetbux and bureaucracy. Turns out larping as a great power isn't the same as actually being a great power.
The UK supposedly has the biggest european military, and it literally has more admirals than warships, it has more ceremonial horses than tanks. The UK military would struggle to deploy as few as 5000 troops outside of their borders, an amount so low that it might as well be zero. Every military force in europe is so pathetically small that you would be better off disbanding them entirely and saving yourselves the money, they are nothing more than a jobs program for rich aristocrats to collect fancy titles as is the case with everything european.
The US navy showed up to the red sea to defend shipping vessels carrying vital trade to europe, near zero US trade goes through that waterway. They fired off billions of dollars worth of air defense missiles protecting container ships carrying plastic dogshit from china for you faggots to buy, and none of you lifted a finger.
Germany sent one ship to the red sea, fired off 3 missiles 2 of which missed and the remaining one almost hit a US drone, then went home because they were out of ammo.
Europe is a joke.