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am i a femcel?

ID:8qU+5oqd No.22265841 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
this is my first time using this website so please be kind lmfao. throughout my life i've never been able to geneuienly crush on or like someone so much that i actually wanted to pursue a realtionship with them. im a virgin, not because i havent had opportunities but because i've just never found anyone interesting enough to do it with, and i despise hookup culture. I'm 18, black and asian mixed race, and i think I'm beautiful which sounds very egotistical but it's just one of those things you just know. ive had people approach me but i never saw it out through the end, sometimes they were only after one thing and i like to think that i have a lot of self respect and so I always shut it down. I'm in school and because of this, I dont have a lot of free time. I ADORE swimming, gaming, just going out to explore. I also practise digital drawing and i love singing, as well as studying (my grades are amazing :>). i dont know if im just a boring person, but seeing all my friends coupled up it starting to eat at me. any advice? I'm not sure I'll log back onto this website, so please leave something for me through my discord! justasupercoolgirlwithabigheart