>>22267206does the ram of God slaughter its lambs that stray from the true path, or does it try to guide them back? is it the fault of the wayward lamb that they've been poisoned or lead astray by the false shepherd? did christ turn his back on the prostitutes and unclean, or did he lead them to cleanse the temples of merchants and gold?
the hegemony of the false kings of politics and religion have done a very good job of dividing the flock, but you must remember that in the end all will be forgiven, and it will be a battle between humanity and the antichrist, not between any national, political, or religious parties
satan is the great deceiver, the accuser, beware of he who points the finger because not enough take the time to consider who is guiding them
baldr, was slain by the hand of the blind with the guidance of the serpent
hatred is the enemy, forgiveness is divine