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Otk & Company / Twitch Streamers Gossip

ID:hUGOWDSy No.22301456 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
4 days in a row of unique Emikif coincidences. The most telling of which was the Pajamas that are way too big for her and require shorts underneath.
>Emi bought Sushi, Panda Express, and McDonald's, way too much food for one person.
>Miz and Emi were MIA the entire night after the stream. (this is the night they rekindled)
>The next morning, Miz and Emi became active at the same time.
>Miz was watching Emi’s intro.
>Emi kept fiddling with her bracelet a lot.
>Emi was wearing Miz’s pajamas, the last time she wore them was on Miz’s stream for the T1 vs. Soda watch party.
>Before Emi ended her stream, Miz was in the viewer list and never left.
>Miz added Emi back in Chatterino
>Emi ditching her Tuesday stream on Miz's off day