>>22306429think most of them are just confused, misguided, or naive
wanna talk about my dream earlier. in it my dad was in the kitchen, he had always cooked, but it was in his early dementia, where he had most of his faculties but was losing it and couldn't concentrate. he was cooking some meat directly on the stove burners, and cutting the spatulas and cooking tools into pieces like you would vegetables, i tried to help him and get him to stop but he assured me he knew what he was doing, that he was making something special for my mom, who was not there.
my mom then walked in and was accompanied by a friend of hers, and they were cackling and acting evil, and instead of being consolatory and understanding with my dad, she just started blowing up on him and accusing him of being bad and dumb, and when i confronted her about it she just started making up lies about my dad to justify her behavior. i ended up grabbing her by the head and shaking her but her mouth just turned to a wicked smile and she just kept doubling down on her evil while i pleaded with her to forgive my dad and change her ways...
told you all it was terrible. but it felt so real and so true, and my mom really is like that, as are so many women, they just lie and tell themselves stories so that they're always in the right, they never want to confront the fact that they've wronged someone or erred. anyways i know i've been a bummer today but it's the worst day i've had in a long time. i'll try to be more fun tomorrow. hopefully the market keeps buoying my spirits. thanks for reading my blog, i think it helps me. i've made a lot of changes in the last 6 months, but they haven't been easy, and /smg/ has been a real blessing to me, all things considered. thanks guys.