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No.22308379 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The idea that Christianity “built” Europe is pure historical revisionism. Europe existed long before Christianity infected it. The Greeks and Romans had already developed philosophy, architecture, law, and governance centuries before Christcucks arrived to leech off their accomplishments. Christianity didn’t create civilization—it hijacked it. When Rome fell, it wasn’t Christianity that saved Europe; it was Christianity that plunged it into the Dark Ages, where scientific progress stalled, intellectual curiosity was suppressed, and religious dogma replaced reason. The Renaissance—the actual rebirth of European civilization—only happened when Europe rediscovered its pre-Christian roots and broke free from the stranglehold of the Church.

Even in the so-called Christian era, the greatest European advancements weren’t because of Christianity, but in spite of it. The Scientific Revolution, the Enlightenment, and the Industrial Age all came from challenging Christian authority, not embracing it. Every time Europe moved forward, it was because men rejected blind faith, superstition, and submission—the very things Christianity demands. If anything, Christianity held Europe back, forcing progress to fight against it every step of the way. The only thing Christianity built was an empire of control, censorship, and forced obedience—and Europe only truly thrived when it started tearing that empire down.