Quoted By:
>Implying -25C is cold
>Not doing polar dipping
>Not going to Southwest Ontario during winter
>Not going up north all year round
>Not drinking Molson and watching hockey on free tv signals innawoods
>Not wearing plaid
>Not carrying guns in your trunk
>Not drinking Canadian rye whiskey at night and cuddling with doggo
>Not wearing comfy hat
>Not clubbing a seal and turning it into seal skin boots
>Not wearing traditional snowshoes
>Being an American
>Not having your PAL
>Not sleeping in snow
>If not that make your own tent/sleeping bag out of moose or bear skin
>Not listening to tragically hip while in yourtruck
>Not being covered in body hair to keep warm
>Not having a nice beard to keep face warm
>Not carrying wood cutting axe wear ever you go
>Not being a logger
>Not making your own hats and reloading your ammo
>Not being strong with some fat for warmth
>Not living innawoods in a log cabin
>Not being self sustainable
>Not making your own booze
>Not cheering for your home town
>Not watching CBC on portable tv since CBC is free across Canada
>not using stars to navigate
>Not going to timmies
>Not getting a double-double
>Not spelling it Colour, grey, favourite
>Going into a city
>Not being raised in an all white Utopia
>Being a fat American who sharts in the mart
>Not having a loving wife who cooks and cleans and cuts firewood for your wood stove
>Not digging your own well and de-icing it in the winter
>Not owning a Newfoundland dog for your kids to ride
>Not killing wolves with your great grand dad's buck knife
>Not wearing work boots everywhere
>Not always have your blood alcohol level at 0.05 so you can drive
>Not playing hockey on the nearby lake during winter
>Not respecting native culture and monuments
>Not having at least 30 scars
>Not using snow tires
>Not respecting others religions while staying with your own race