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Vidya, animu & Tv show are degenerates.

No.2258276 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Vidya, animu & Tv show are weakening the white man. Stop wasting your time.

Vidya are infested with leftist propaganda. See: DXMD, Wolfenstein, watchdogs 2, ME: andromeda, and so much more. Vidya are teaching your violence, degeneracy and immorality, see: GTA.

Animu are for kids and for those who wants to escape real life.I have yet to see an animu where men are not pussies and / or white knight and where women are not stronk and dominating men. Very often men masculinity is ridiculed.

Tv show are degenerates, they teach you sexual immorality, violence, criminality, and are filled with leftist propaganda AKA black female are stronk and smart.

Stop wasting your time with those. Instead, read and lift.