>>2264972We have the CDU/CSU (Christian conservatives and the party of Merkel, latest poll say they'll get 35% of the vote) and the SPD (Social democrats, have absolutely plummeted in the polls to 21%) as biggest parties. The AfD, which has been from the start demonized as the new nazi party, might become third largest party with 13-11%. Then we have a bunch of other parties like the FDP (libertarian party), Linke (far left party) and Grüne (green party) who all have around 8-10%. As you probably can see, our government is with the SPD, Linke, Grünen and Merkel as head of the CDU pretty left wing which is why it will be refreshing to have a party like the AfD in the parliament. In the last election they weren't able, for some strange coincidence of course, to reach the 5% limit which is required to get into the parliament.