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ID:lVuufN+h No.2281933 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Just remembered something that happened in my teenage years.

>be me, 14
>taking a shit when my bully brother knocks on the door.
>"what do you want?!" I yelled
>He tells me he's gotta take a piss.
>Door isn't locked for once so he opens the door and tells me to get up or he'll piss on me.
>Quickly get up so I don't get pissed on.
>I got about a log 3/4 of the way out and I'm standing up.
>The shit falls just as soon as my brother finishes pissing.
>Pick up the turd and it's big and mushy.
>Gets all over my hands.
>Brother dies laughing as I yell at him to get out.
>Mfw my brother made me shit my pants.
>Mfw I picked a turd up without getting toilet paper first.
>MFW I shit my pants while my pants were down and I was in the bathroom