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Acquiring Negress

No.2306425 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey based black bros. I'm not like these other guys here on pol. I have quite the case of jungle fever.

It all started in middle school. I was hanging out in gym gym class with a black girl and her friends. She im standing on a raised ledge and she sorta comes up to me in between my legs. Naturally I grabbed her waist but I was a virgin then and she had such a nice butt. I got boner in my gyrm shorts and got bashful.

She was okay looking but sort of had a ghetto accent. She asked if I wanted to mess around and being the loser I was I said no. I wasnt looking for a girlfriend and that wasnt my thing or some gay beta shit. Really it me thinking too far ahead about my strict parents knowing I was dating some black girl.

Racism had failed me. I could have gotten pussy years before and vaulted myself into manhead if I had only not let societies stigmas interfere with my opportunity.

It was such a nice black butt. Anyways I could probably still hit but I kinda want better.

I am a pretty good dancer and know black girls love dancing. Im looking for a cutie like pic related. She could be darker. She could be midna black for all I care as long as she has a cute face, fat ass, and skinny waist.

How do I get a black girl pol? And how do I keep her? A black girl at my age will have surely already have experienced the BBC. How can I compete. Women are natural whores unless they are a Saint like my mom.

Like I said, Im a pretty good dancer so Im already 6/10 the way there. What else do I need.