>>2310269Yeah, is because of the cucks.
But why are there so many cucks? Is there a reason for the disproportion of them in our post modernist era?
The answer should come rather quickly, and then you ask what is the reason of that answer, sooner or later the answer is the Jews, and the problem isn't that the Jews capitalize on one single problem that affects society, but they seem to be the single constant of almost the entirety of them.
Then you try to unravel why would the do that, profit? What would be the profit on watching society fall? More profit? Religious purposes? Ideologies?
We don't know, they have lied, changed history, influenced the decay of so many societies that it is impossible for us to know their real reason. I don't want to hate the Jews, I'm a Christian man, I am willing to love my brother no matter what he is, but group that poisons my children, my nation behind my back is no brother, and I am even more willing to do what's on my hands to stop them.
But I can't, it's illegal to raise you arm against them, so posting in an Mongolian throat singing appreciation forum seems like the only way to do something about it.