Gun in your mouth?
Do you honestly think you are the only person to have a childhood love?
I had one too and she broke my heart and turned out to be a slut HOWEVER i hardened up and didn't let her memory ruin my happiness.
Go hang around men and harden up mate, stop playing the victim and thinking your life is so hard.
You wanna know something thats fucking hard?
One of my best mates lost his dad to cancer after fighting it for 2 years last year in December, 2 weeks later his mum had a serious stroke and couldn't walk or talk at the same time he was competing in the Australian under 23's surf club rowing team.
He came to training EVERY DAY, he never ONCE asked for sympathy or let it get to him, of course he was upset and would vent to us and shit and talk to us about it but thats just an example for you to harden the fuck up and start appreciating the things in your life.