>>2318790Actual serious post.
Contrary to what liberals will have you believe, Australia is not racist despite the fact we will slaughter you with joke after joke at your expense. How is this so? It's not because we hate you, it is a form of hazing. We do it to everybody who is not from Australia, white, black, asian, arab, doesn't matter: As soon as we notice you're different, we fucking lock onto you with a never ending tidalwave of bantz .
Now of course some of this is genuine racism, but most of it is just "a right of passage" that will eventually stop once you prove you aren't a soft cocked faggot. Two questions: How do I know when its genuine racism? How do I prove I'm not a "soft cocked faggot"?
Well part one is easy, if the person is attacking your nationality or ethnicity by itself with no real depth (eg: Fuck off to where you came from) then its genuine racism, however this is not the form of the vast majority you will encounter. "Bantz" will still be directed at your being foreign but they will mock a specific element of your homeland (language, food, religious traditions, mannerisms, names, etc). Just an example I pulled out of thin air an Indian might encounter: "Fuckin India aye, food goes in looking the same as it does when it comes out again" This is an example of playful banter. It mocks a specific element and nobody really is getting hurt unless you're a crybaby. Many mistake this for racism. We are hazing you, deal with it. Which leads us to part 2...