[27 / 12 / ?]
/bant/ i fugged up badly
There's this 8-9/10 qt3.14 i quiet like (friendly like no sexie)
I was meme provider for her and thought it would be good idea to show her 4chan memes (the easier ones) and I went full aucostic.
I send her a link to a quiet nice /bant/ thread about memes, then sent her accidently a link to this thread >>2328249
No reply untill now
Did I fug up very bad?
There's this 8-9/10 qt3.14 i quiet like (friendly like no sexie)
I was meme provider for her and thought it would be good idea to show her 4chan memes (the easier ones) and I went full aucostic.
I send her a link to a quiet nice /bant/ thread about memes, then sent her accidently a link to this thread >>2328249
No reply untill now
Did I fug up very bad?