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No.2332943 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
you have a car? you're fucked, big time. it has a computer onboard? you can consider yourself dead. every single automobile is designed to kill you as efficiently as possible. the sleek design, comfortable seats and leather interiors are just a facade for what is a device efficiently tailored for tearing your guts out. and guess who's in charge? that's right, Big Daddy Government, and there's nothing more they'd like than to have your pretty face on a windshield. you vote republican a few times, you're on a blacklist. you post a few Hitler image macros, they start using sattelites to spy your home. and if you REALLY piss them off (like googling "swastika"), they murder you by sabotaging your automobile. it ain't complicated - they push a button, your brakes fail, you crash in a ditch. they pull a lever, your engine explodes. and then they can watch your charring, flaming body through a monitor. don't drive a car? expect a package from Amazon with a live grenade in it. there's absolutely nothing you can do except choke on shit and hope they spare your miserable existence. there's literally nothing you can do. if you have a gun, use it on yourself, cause it ain't getting better, ever