>>2337981I think the main reason I push myself to succeed academically is because I feel pressured from my faimly as I'm the oldest kid. But I agree, what's the point if I'm not happy. I've wanted to drop out and find a way to travel but I feel like I might dissapoint my mom who's worked hard to send me to school. My friend and I might go to thailand this winter or for a short road trip. But the thing is, if I want to travel I need money, and to do so I both have to work and go to school. I already feel trapped now, getting a job would only prolong it. I'm not lazy, I just don't want more stress. I don't know, I'm just ranting a bit but fuck, I just want school to be over. I've been stress eating all day/drinking all day.
>>2338018I'm not really into psychedelics honestly, but fuck. Some of my friends from highschool took them and they seemed happier afterwards. And sometimes I feel theyre happier now too, though I havent seen them in 3.5 years. The appeal to me is, hey, it might just make me feel better and help forget the stress. but I am aware of the negative effects of lsd. thanks for at least responding anon.
>>2338019Not necessarily advice but just venting, you know? And I don't have anyone who's willing to drive me anywhere and I don't have the money for that. all my expenses are paid by the scholarship and loans. I could get money by getting a job, but the added stress might not even be worth it. But fuck, if my car was broken ( as of now that hasn't been an issue ) and I had the money fuck I'd go on a road trip and bring my brother in heart beat. As for church, I'm not particualry religous. But thanks for responding anon