[282 / 73 / ?]

17KiB, 306x366, 438F5DB500000578-4824258-image-m-103_1503689471807.jpg
Quoted By: >>2339494 >>2339495 >>2339498 >>2339499 >>2339500 >>2339501 >>2339503 >>2339504 >>2339505 >>2339506 >>2339507 >>2339508 >>2339512 >>2339517 >>2339530 >>2339531 >>2339542 >>2339552 >>2339555 >>2339556 >>2339573 >>2339583 >>2339584 >>2339585 >>2339609 >>2339638 >>2339647 >>2339652 >>2339659 >>2339674 >>2339686 >>2339694 >>2339698 >>2339718 >>2339760 >>2339768 >>2339770
>modern white woman
>has had dozens of partners
>smokes weed like a nigger
>minor cocaine habit
>listens to nigger music
>obsessed with snapchat and IG
>has had multiple MMF threesomes
>juggling 10 different guys at any given moment
>no intention of settling down
Seriously how do we fix this degeneracy?
>inb4 hurr hurr youre just meeting sluts
No faggots, try going outside, this is your average American girl these days
>has had dozens of partners
>smokes weed like a nigger
>minor cocaine habit
>listens to nigger music
>obsessed with snapchat and IG
>has had multiple MMF threesomes
>juggling 10 different guys at any given moment
>no intention of settling down
Seriously how do we fix this degeneracy?
>inb4 hurr hurr youre just meeting sluts
No faggots, try going outside, this is your average American girl these days