>>2384958That's actually only a phenomenon commonly found among true hillbillies, who are mostly French descendants who wound up in isolated mountain areas like parts of the Catskills, and also isolated bayous and areas like Georgia, Florida, Alabama where specific pockets of people, usually 3 to 5 families, found themselves left behind by the world and grew increasingly fearful of outsiders after the civil war fucked everything up, so basically they sort of went back to being inbred tribals like occasionally pop up in south america, except they still go to some shitty old store for beer and food and now they get EBT probably, and they probably would call themselves Christians because great-great-great-grandpappy was one though they don't read or go to church.
The midwest, "flyover states", AKA literally only corn and all of the people are actually disguised sentient corn, is surprisingly literate, relaxed, and generally just pleasant outside of the city centers where your normal city scum congregate. The inbred hicks thing is a massive meme perpetrated by democrats angry that the middle class still retains some slight knowledge of math to the point they don't want to incentivize NEETdom and have to try to pay for all the NEETs once "the 1%" has been thoroughly plundered and the NEETs are still as needy as ever and growing in number.