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What to call the roasties that fear the coming Waifu bots

ID:WI52Y3xG No.2386732 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
For thousands of years, MAN has been using technology to tame the wild, to control reality itself. This is just another step for MAN, we no longer have to rely on females. We can harness the power of companionship and reproduction and take control of it OURSELVES. We used fire, clothes, agriculture, combustion engines, flight, and antibiotics. Waifubots are simply the next step for mankind. Now factor in artificial wombs and CRISPR Tech. Eventually it will be seen as degenerate and low class to NOT reproduce this way, to not have a 11/10 Waifubot waiting on you hand and foot and having all genetic abnormalities that cause diseases removed from the DNA before conception.

What other use is a woman than to bear children and ensure they're properly raised? If it can simulate emotion how could not be the best thing for a child? Experiments have been conducted with AI therapists. Turns out AI is actually pretty capable of replicating a human therapist role to the point that patients often could not tell if they were communicating with a human or machine. And with something such as this you can ensure they are raised exactly how you decide they should without having to argue over it or worry about losing half your property and your children in the process. Won't have to worry about keeping it happy with endless gifts and talking about nothing of importance. I fail to see any negative here. It can be programmed to be the perfect mother and motherly to ensure the most positive outcome for your child.

>Always positive
>Always encouraging
>Helps it with homework
>Never gets tired or has "bad days"
>Always willing to play
>Always steering them in the moral direction you wish to impart onto them.

I can keep going but you get the point.