>>2392365>genes are like robotsand gene robots are programmed by hormones and chemicals we release into our bodies, thus whatever we lime or enjoy in life becomes carried unto our offspring.
you could be a closet all of your life, marry the opposite sex, breed with said opposite sex due to nature/nurture pressures, but your child was still conceived under the genetic notion that the same sex is aesthetically pleasing.
now your child grows, with or without direct mind control (aka taught lessons) and their genes take hold of their minds and now they look at the same sex for pleasure, not so much procreation, but the mixed up jumble of "i'd hit that" that all pubescent beings possess; if not more-so than the parent's desire to do so.
mix in puberty, and the release of their own genetically enhanced hormones, and you have a chain reaction. it's not rocket science, it's genetics, but if you're looking for a specific gene/string then you're already out of the ball park. every single being on this planet desires love, affection, attention, and exstacy related with sex and relationships. you're looking for a gene that requires that, not "this gene like xx, and this gene likes xy", since we all desire the company of male and female presence.
good luck finding that shit.