>>2393778no, it's the fact that no one likes the "buisness" side of "politics".
if you over complicate what people know down to a science, then people feel outed, and thus makes them feel like outcasts.
if you feel like an outcast, the you'll sympathise with the majority, or minority, which in turn makes you the majority.
If you're the majority, then you'll feel in power, regardless of how it treats the minority.
if you're on middle ground, then you'll let these two "powers" fight amongst themselves until one tires out.
if you're the majority, or minority after that, then you'll fight for whatever makes you feel good.
once the oxytocin and power stuggle subside, then you'll strive for more, leadinv to a never endinv battle which takes away from anything that truely has meaning to survive as a whole human race.
>tl;dr we're living in a second middle age crisis