[5 / 3 / ?]
When did you grow up and realize 4chan is nothing more than a hangout for bitter bulldyke femanazi's?
>floods /pol/ with cuck memes
>because their bbc bf's left them
>spreads racist hatred memes for blacks
>again because their bbc bf's left them
>spreads nonsensical cut/uncut foreskin memes on /b/
>because they're man hating femanazis
>identify with nazis
>because they're femanazis
>helped perpetuate gamergate on /v/ so they could turn it against them
>drove moot away (a man?)
>spread the "every day is leg day" meme on /fit/
>because they're women and have no upper body strength
>spreads soccer memes on /sp/
>because women lack hand to eye coordination required by other sports
>obsession with cartoons, ponies, horses and other girly things
>constantly trying to create drama on every board
>because women love to gossip
>trying to shame men into liking fat ugly women
>because they're fat and ugly women
>floods /pol/ with cuck memes
>because their bbc bf's left them
>spreads racist hatred memes for blacks
>again because their bbc bf's left them
>spreads nonsensical cut/uncut foreskin memes on /b/
>because they're man hating femanazis
>identify with nazis
>because they're femanazis
>helped perpetuate gamergate on /v/ so they could turn it against them
>drove moot away (a man?)
>spread the "every day is leg day" meme on /fit/
>because they're women and have no upper body strength
>spreads soccer memes on /sp/
>because women lack hand to eye coordination required by other sports
>obsession with cartoons, ponies, horses and other girly things
>constantly trying to create drama on every board
>because women love to gossip
>trying to shame men into liking fat ugly women
>because they're fat and ugly women