>>2427528I think they're real conditions that most people allow to get out of hand.
People who are rabid about mental health seem to like to compare it to diabetes ("would you deny a diabetic insulin?") which is retarded, but I'll use it for analogy anyway
>be diabetic>take insulin at regular intervals according to body weight, constantly monitor blood sugar levels, pay attention to nutritional content of diet>watching yourself becomes a monotonous daily chore, but allows you to otherwise function like anyone else, live long and prosperOr
>be diabetic >take insulin only because you have to>eat what you want and don't monitor your BSL>fat and constantly tired, blame it on diabetes, die prematurelyOR
>be non-diabetic>be a fat piece of shit with no regard for your diet whatsoever>develop diabetesPeople these days, especially youth, don't do anything about their depression. There's this whole air of "good to talk" where everyone has to be a shoulder for everyone else to lean on, but nobody is willing to change the lifestyle that leads to it. Most kids waste their time looking at memes in bed all day, and having a release is just fine. But when the release becomes the norm, you don't have a release from the release, and when it comes time to be responsible and go to class or find work or even go outside, fulfilling even the bare minimum is daunting. Most kids in this state are well aware that they bring this on themselves but don't want to change, and all of this of course feeds their mental illness, or creates it where there wasn't any in the first place.
All told, mental illness is your lot in life. If you want to be happy and successful, you have to accept it for what it is, deal with it, and not let it dictate who you are.