>>2441517/pol/ spams "WE ARE WINNING" all the time to reinforce morale among the cult, so they like to think that other boards on 4chan share their ideology because it expands their influence. For them there is no neutral, only with or against. /co/ likes cartoons and talks about "jewish" shows without screeching about kikes, therefore /co/ is an enemy, "lost" to SJWism.
/k/ likes guns, so they assume /k/ is alt-right and sides with them, but in truth /k/ommandos tend to be all over the place politically, with the exception of
>SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED/k/ hates /pol/ just as much as the rest of the site. /b/ is the only board that doesn't hate /pol/, and they're too busy masturbating to care.
/pol/ will never figure this out because the few times one of them gets curious enough to visit /k/, they realize the board is full of threads discussing the technical aspects of guns. Most /pol/acks know zilch about guns and don't even own one, so they fuck off.