>>2461608>World biggest empireThat would be us
>Free marketSame here
>Free speechMoreso here than GB
>IslamophobiaLel, they literally go home on their own we don't even have to force them. Isnt londons mayor a muslim or something?
>LibertyI don't se how you have more "liberty" than us
>Refugees welcomeWe take in far fewer than you, and most of them are forced out or return on their own because muh racisim
>DiversityWe are probably one of the most racially homogenous countries in the world, our largest minority are fennoswedes.
>tfw your country is so great that the shittiest people are aryans.>War guiltLMAO, I don't think you can find a country that is pouder of it's military history than Finland. Our women are literally, unironically more willing to fight in a defensive war than you "men".
>multiculturalismAgain, no.
>AutsimGot me there