Hopefully this will enlighten the delusonal "BASED POLES - POLES NUMBER 1" Burgers who have been brainwashe by Polish propoganda.
This is the true reality of the Poles. Ive been around Poles my whole life, they are the violent criminal, they are petty thiefs, they are the immoral scumbag, the guy who will put his hand on your shoulder to distract whilst getting his Pole partner to pickpocket you, then justify it by saying "Hehe, hes a German" or "Haha, hes a Brit", as has happened to me
They do not act in a way consistent with European man, theres something not right with them. The Pole knows this, so began a intensive propoganda campaign to fool gulliable Burgers who didnt know any better into thinking they are true "based" ones and the rest of Europe is the bad guys
This needs to be the beginning of the end of the Polish myth.