[13 / 3 / ?]
>Be 17 all round liked guy
>friend I haven’t talked to in months asks me to come over
>Watch a movie
>pretty good movie
>asks if I want to get high
>get stoned
> at his house playing vidya games
> comes In wearing all black says he wants to shoot up school in this outfit
> ignore
>next day he has mental breakdown
>try’s telling his ex I have nudes of her and that I sent it to whole school
>I didn’t but i didn’t want lose fap material
>tell school police officer he wants to shoot up school
>police go and fucking tackle and arrest him
>mfw they check his computer
>it’s all columbine,liveleak, how to kill people
>mfw I saved some people’s life’s because I didn’t want lose fap material
>friend I haven’t talked to in months asks me to come over
>Watch a movie
>pretty good movie
>asks if I want to get high
>get stoned
> at his house playing vidya games
> comes In wearing all black says he wants to shoot up school in this outfit
> ignore
>next day he has mental breakdown
>try’s telling his ex I have nudes of her and that I sent it to whole school
>I didn’t but i didn’t want lose fap material
>tell school police officer he wants to shoot up school
>police go and fucking tackle and arrest him
>mfw they check his computer
>it’s all columbine,liveleak, how to kill people
>mfw I saved some people’s life’s because I didn’t want lose fap material