I must kill these filthy dumb niggers,
And remove the traitorous wiggers.
I'll make the glorious white race grow
And the normie masses be plown.
Trump is the best US president
And I love being his loyal resident.
I hate niggers, they should all die,
After their death I'll eat a apple pie.
Adolf Hitler, the savior of Europe,
Exposed these filthy sheming kikes.
Kikes will die on the day of the rope
And dumb niggers who steal bikes.
The Jews lied about the Holocaust,
They know nothing about Faust.
The international Jews are very evil,
And they worship Molech the devil.
The Jews promote degeneracy,
It really is what you always see.
Pornography and democracy!
Stop the Jewish aristocracy!
But there are white race traitors.
These idiots always love niggers,
They are the biggest whiggers
And are rampant masturbaitors.
Mark Zuckerberg is an evil kike.
Most girls on Facebook are dykes.
Facebook and other social media
Are worse than an encyclopedia.
You should be aware of KEK,
That false meme god in frog form.
If you believe in your god KEK,
Jesus Christ will kill you in a storm.
Jesus Christ is your true savior
And believe in him with your heart.
Don't believe in salvation by works,
Those who believe in it are dorks.