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Hey fuckers

No.2526082 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Do you remember when redbit was seen as an adult website and people were afraid to visit it in public? Some people still think it's a porn website. But now it has been the center of liberal politics and over run by "normies".

Do you get the feeling that same thing is happening to 4chan? Because I do. I've been here since 2007 and it never felt this way before. This all happened after the gamergate timeline. Now this whole website has went viral and mainstream. I mean really mainstream. We used to take pride in saying "they can't piss in ocean of piss", meaning they can't ruin this site for us with their moral faggotary and politically correct culture. But boy oh boy, I've been more and more mod censorships and PC policing all over the site. Especially on /pol/.

This is not a meta thread, but this is much bigger than it. If 4chan dies, everything that stood for the Internet and freedom in it will die along with it. Don't let this happen. We must not submit to politically correct brigading and mods. I might even get perma banned for making this thread and this is how worst it has become. But I'm willing to take the bullet for 4chan because it has been with me in my worst and with my good times.

And no I don't think people will be willing to migrate to other chans. I know many feel the same way.

I remember an Indian anon on another thread suggested a simple and effective way to get rid of cancer. Posting gore and porn on /pol/. I think we should do that for a week and cleanse this board.