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Sokka Plebbit War Revival

ID:lkxtV/O5 No.2540855 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Time to bring back Sokkaposting
For the /bant/ newfags that are unaware, in June this year, we were forcing a meme into reddit for it to then be turned into a "red-pilled" hate symbol. Right now, we just need the meme to catch on, and then slowly turn it into a nationalist.

>Find a funny image of Sokka from the Web
>Make a reddit account
>Post the image
>Up vote all images of Sokka of the water tribe
>Down vote all images that don't have Sokka
>Repeat (preferably use new account for every few images)
>Comment on Sokka posts!
>Encourage Sokkas in other meme subreddits.

Discord server for further coordination: c5aSdcJ