>>2542196You got a choise, its all up to you. I was addicted to benzoes, vodka and meth for 16 years. Also gambling, sex and thrillseeking behaviour. Untill I one day saw how much ive fucked up. The human experience is all about trial and error, always improving and learning from mistakes. There is no "pure" person, everyone has their deamons, some bigger than others. When it all boils down, its all about your choises. Not your family, not your friends, not the state, not the drugs you taken to cloud your mind and sould... So I understand what you mean, but i highly disagree you can say its because of "addictive personality". It is your choise when all comes down to it. All I can say to live a good life, with or without amphetamines(from pharmacy, not street) is workout, sleep enough, eat healthy as fuck, and i really do mean eat healthy as fuck. No fucking white bread, no sugar, no candy, not shittons of burgers, bacon or what else.. Pure food, home made, ecologial. Good daily routines that always are followed, sleeping enough, exposure to sun(not sunbathing, thats dangerous) but like playing sports outside, walk dogs.. whatever. And stop starring at a screen all day, especially at night. One, till two hours a day max combined infront of a screen. Instead of watching a show or movie, how about doing some carpentry?
If you want to get out of this addictive personality you have to work for it, and at the start its hard as fuck, your brain will make all kinds of excuses for not doing it, or "do it later". Just like when the alarm goes in the morning and your brains tells you these elaborate lies to make you sleep longer.. Their all lies, thus why its hard work.
But if you do everything ive said here, you are on your way to a life where you will look back and think "how did i do this to myself".
Good luck anon