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Lahey's shit analogies
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TRIBE Member
For the Trailer Park Boys fans:
Birds of a shitfeather flock together, Randy.
Mr. Lahey: He's takin' the shit tornado right back to Oz.
Randy: Well that would make Sam, Dorothy. Right Mr. Lahey?
Mr. Lahey: Right, Randy.
Ricky, you just opened up Pandora's shit-box
Do you know what a shit-barometer is Bubbles? It measures the shit-pressure in the air, listen Bubs you hear that? The sounds of the whispering winds of shit
You feel that? The way the shit just sticks to the air? There's a shit-blizzard comin, I always know
We're about to sail into a shit typhoon Randy, so we'd better haul in the jib before it gets covered with shit
You idiots have loaded up a hair-triggered double-barreled shit machine gun, and the barrel's pointed right at your own heads!
Shit moths Randy. They started as shit larvae and then the grew into shitapillars. A whole pandemic of shitapillars
Shit tectonics - do you know what happens what two shit plates collide? Shitquake (love this one)
They're shit flowers Randy, from here they look like regular flowers but when you get down and poke your nose in them you realise they're shit flowers, and theres a whole fucking bouquet of them!
When the shitballs start flying, you've got to get a shitbat Randy!
We're in the eye of a shiticane here Julian, and Ricky's a low shit system!
Do you know what a shit-rope is Julian? It's a rope covered with shit that criminals try to hang on to