[11 / 5 / ?]
Lets see how everyone goes on /bant/
>about how many /bant/ posters are here
>how many are just lurkers
>are there any posters do you recognize
>how many anons have the same flag as you
>do you recognize other sameflags
>what makes you recognizable among other anons
I'll start
>30 on regular basis, probably double up to triple at weekends and when americans are awake
>only manx i guess
>ckotori, tsumugiposter, and toothpastekagari
>three at maximum
>not really, but we are all trap loving fucks
>still in high school
>about how many /bant/ posters are here
>how many are just lurkers
>are there any posters do you recognize
>how many anons have the same flag as you
>do you recognize other sameflags
>what makes you recognizable among other anons
I'll start
>30 on regular basis, probably double up to triple at weekends and when americans are awake
>only manx i guess
>ckotori, tsumugiposter, and toothpastekagari
>three at maximum
>not really, but we are all trap loving fucks
>still in high school