>>2576464I've seen /pol/shit on /x/, /biz/, /sci/, /g/, /v/, /b/ and /lgbt/ the few times I've been there, /r9k/ and /bant/ (though these are a given), /lit/ (what are some redpilled books), /sp/, /tv/, /fit/, /wg/, /mu/, /int/, /adv/, /news/, /out/, /co/, /trash/, /qa/, and even /h/ one time. I'm sure there's more on other boards I've never looked at. Only boards I frequent that I've never seen a single /pol/shit thread on are /a/, because its so heavily moderated, /an/, because its so slow, and /k/ because ????. I think it might have something to do with /pol/acks having no fucking idea how to use guns despite advocating for widespread use of them.
/pol/ is a fucking cancer, more than /b/ post-chanology ever was. But at least their recuitment tactics don't seem to be working, only on /r9k/ and /b/ have I seen widespread love for /pol/. /v/ and /k/ especially seem to hate /pol/, almost as much as we do.