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I hate everyone

ID:fmkpkkpC No.2577053 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I hate the trannylovers
I hate the gayposters
I hate the meaningless shitposters
I hate the cuckolds
I hate the nu-males
I hate the headless chicken that believe that not informing yourself and developing your CV is a bad thing
I hate the white niggers who think Iran should be nuked
I hate the krautrock lovers that spam Can albums and nothing else
I hate the raplovers who think Kanye is a Jesus
I hate the gay ERP posters
I hate the overegocentric Americans
I hate the trump spammers in other boards
I hate the Hillary spammers in other boards
I hate the "radical centrist strawman" users
I hate the selfloathing users
I hate the niggers
I greatly hate girl posters
I hate ludeposters
I hate
I hate
I hate