[134 / 40 / ?]
Reminder that if you are over 18 and watch anime and have anime merchandise, you are the traitor of the white race. First of all, anime and western cartoons are for children! If you are an adult, watch cartoons and like them, you are a literal man child. If you want to save the white race, PUT AWAY CHILDISH THINGS! Second of all, anime is degenerate. I don't care if it's red-pilled (it never is), it's degenerate. It endorsed degeneracy and witchcraft and is anti-Christian. Third of all, speaking of degeneracy. It sexualizes under-aged children and promotes pedophilia, trans-sexuality, homosexuality and other sexually immoral things. Also, you wank to under-aged children every day and "it's just a drawing" is a shit argument. Fourth of all, anime is not a hobby. Find a real hobby, like basketball, fishing, lifting weights, painting REAL ART, reading books (NO MANGAS) and other actually beneficial non-Japanese things. Finally, if you are an American and a ultra-nationalist, REMEMBER TO BOYCOTT any products from your enemy, the Japanese. Even Hollywood kikes and record label CEOs promote degrading Japanese culture. If you remove anime and Japan from your life and stop being a man-child, you will look like pic related. Trust me. Also, the "Ledditards hate anime" is a shitty argument, because even Ledditards watch and love degeneracy called anime. And look what these Ledditards are! If you are for anime, your brain is still in alpha regime.
>>2581137 I'll marathon this book you wrote later bro
>>2581137 >Reminder that if you are over 18 and watch anime and have anime merchandise, you are the traitor of the white race this is the type of red flag that ought to reveal to anyone on this board that white nationalism is another leftist trap for people who seek the real right. Yet another ideologically motivated club where members must say and do what the party approves.
pol is full of it of course, just saying it for the record, for the few sane people left here
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You can't smuggle a brick past security by hiding it in your mouth. Believe me I've tried.
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>>2581137 i bet that guy secretly loves dbz
In nutshell, anime is:>for manchildren >anti-Christian >sexually immoral >bad entertainment >anti-American
Animes are based. American media is not.
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I miss my weeb days of 1999-2005 when the barrier to entry wasn't as excessive and literal faggots were uncommon in this nebbishy subculture. Once I saw Naruto AMVs on yahoo's front page and Soulja Boi making that anime song, that was the beginning of the end. Pic related. My detritus of my youth.
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>>2581143 >anti-American so anime is good?
stop using that meme flag you fucking traitor
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>>2581137 NSA Agent here, this guy's search history is exclusively hentai
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>>2581139 >white nationalism is another leftist trap Yes goyim, anything other than slavery to Yahweh is a leftist trap
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>>2581137 This is redpilled
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>>2581145 Lol :D :D :D :D The original weabo nationalist :D :D :D
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>>2581137 Reminder that if you're a prudish, LARPing normalfag on 4chan you are worthy of being mocked by losers that want to have sex with little anime girls and/or boys who look like girls.
Anime is the ANTI-DEGENERACY if anime becomes mainstream, more women will start acting like your favorite waifu and not like the Kardashians.
>>2581144 anime can be a gateway to degeneracy though
lots of cucks and thots and fags/dykes are all about anime these days
young niggers all seem to universally love the shit even if its just because they love laughing at it, it tickles their teatree nuts
that said, like any medium it CAN be used to promote/teach positive things
I'm a spic, can I still watch anime?
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>>2581137 So a goon posts and no one posts smugs. the Fuck is wrong with you?
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Anime is for complete weenies. I’m not even close to Giga Chad’s glory and I know this shit.
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>>2581156 It already is mainstream, confirmed by the proliferation of streaming sites and promotions in stores like gamestop and hot topic (Ani-May).
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>>2581158 You have to go back
>>2581156 Lets be honest
SOL anime is ANTI-DEGENERACY indeed.
Flying witch for example, a group of teenage girls doing healthy things with their family and relatives like farming instead of talking about the nigger they want to fuck or the slutty dress they want to buy.
They teach valors and all of them are virgin young women.
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>>2581137 >Finally, if you are an American and a ultra-nationalist, REMEMBER TO BOYCOTT any products from your enemy, the Japanese. Even Hollywood kikes and record label CEOs promote degrading Japanese culture. Japan is an American puppet state though. Anime is an American invention and therefore patriotic to watch.
>>2581137 To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand
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>>2581137 4chan is an anime website, fuck off.
>>2581137 get ready to trigger lots of fags OP
>liking anime unironically Anonymous
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>>2581168 >enshrouding your insecurity in "irony" Anonymous
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>>2581157 >lots of cucks and thots and fags/dykes are all about anime these days Yeah, but it doesn't pander exclusively to them, unlike American media.
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Hey Shlomo, what ya slidin'?
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>>2581143 >for manchildren >having buzzwords dictate your lifestyle choices >anti-Christian >middle eastern desert cult >sexually immoral >suppose it's case by case >bad entertainment >same argument >anti-American >civic nationalist meltingpot shitsalad Gee, I don't watch anime but I guess I should start now.
/pol ack uses a roastie argument aka "man up you manchildren", writes up a literal pile of emotion and prejudice based crap with 0 actual argumentation in it. Shaming techniques indistinguishable from landwhale feminists one too. Wew. Who would have thought that interacting with commie-kike crap on a regular basis can be contageous.
>>2581173 >Shaming techniques Instant loser phrase
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>>2581164 Most American WOMEN hate anime. Why? Since it promotes good Japanese values of femininity which have been LOST in the torrent of MTV cock carousel TRASH like the Kardashians.
Women get men to see anime as 'creepy' (code word for hamstering) since they don't want to return to the values of REAL femininity.
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>>2581137 You would make a kid watch berserk or claymore? How fucked up are you? Well some rape and kill scenes in anime flavour just build character.
I've never met anyone who had like anime figures or Transformers toys in a cabinet who wasn't a manbaby
>>2581166 Yeah, yeah. Ribbit and Memes is so smart.
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Every self respecting pollack has watched Saga of Tanya the Evil.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=wyxSZhushjU Also
>paying for IP People still do this?
>>2581174 You are either a roastie or a mangina if you are okay with someone shaming you for the things you like using a "not the real man" type of bullshit.
>>2581156 i have never seen one of these anime cartoons, never seen em in a store, pretty much here I'd say is the only website I've ever seen em mentioned
it's a kiddie cartoon by the looks of it
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i like rick and moo*urp*OOOORTY it's REALLLY funny- WUBBA LUBBA DUB DUB!!!
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>>2581181 that's cause you live in one of our cultural backwaters, boy
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>>2581139 I agree man, what has this place become?
>>2581177 I dont think anyone would argue that collecting chikdrens toys is not degenerate.
>>2581178 Rick and Marty is for reddit fags
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>>2581137 Why do you japan is allowed to exist in its current state? The answer is anime
>>2581180 No, I'm just not as insecure as you about "shaming"
Some things are shameful
>>2581137 tl;dr anime is for life losers.
its as obvious as sunrise.
>>2581185 People argue that shit all the time
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>>2581188 Yeah and you feel shame for those things on your own (if you are nit a nigger ofc), if someone trying to make you feel ashamed of your tastes in your spare time activiries, using a "non real scotsman" type of crap - this person is manipulating you and there is nothing to be ashamed of.
>>2581189 same as the people who watch EuroVision, MasterChef, and The Voice. in the end, it's just a waste of time
>>2581185 >>2581190 How is collecting anime figures different from collecting lego's, comicbooks\comicbook figures, any other type of collectable items that just lie on the shelf?
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>>2581190 Kangaroos bringing the bants. You know what i mean motherfucker.
>>2581186 Its a good show, but not because "le so smurt and intellectual". Its about as intellectual as Family Guy.
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>>2581137 How about OP stops sucking those dicks and leaves other people the fuck alone with their hobbies ?
>>2581193 Its all childish bullshit, not even comparable to just watching a show you like for free.
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>>2581137 anime are far better compared to mass entertainment products produced by the west
>>2581196 >Its all childish bullshit Again, its not an actual argument, its the same type of roastie bulshiting. If you are actually arguing against something, do it on a basis of merit, logic and rationality, dont base your views on some babble. Muh duh its childish? And? Can you be more specific? What exactly is bad about it? Can you make a solid rational statement instead of babbling some emotions?
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>>2581198 >If you are actually arguing against something, do it on a basis of merit, logic and rationality Anonymous
>>2581189 >>2581192 You anons clearly have not experienced the powerful, soul revitalizing feeling of watching a good ass anime like Tanya, One Punch, or Berserk. Shows so powerful they make me shed the same prideful tears as when I watch a speech by Hitler or Trump. I feel sorry for you honestly, these shows are not a waste of time, they instill profound, masculine values.
>>2581198 Wasting your hard earned income on object that serve no practical purpose is degenerate as fuck. Im not here to judge peoples hobbies though, im here to defend based anime.
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>>2581137 > t. Jim-Bob Duggar By the way how are your daughters doing?
>>2581137 I'm /fit/, have a gf and still watch anime, your point don't stand
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>>2581138 Ferreal
Anime is faggy and all but calm down OP
Did anyone ever notice that they disliked anime before they were vaccinated? When I was under 9 and before I had completed my vaccination corse I would turn on TV before 9am and see Sailor Moon and think what the fuck is shit.. get the fuck outta here with this shit. But then something changed and I was simply memorized by the saucer like eyes and large forehead CARTOON.. Now it's 18 years later and I jerk off exlusively to 100% anime babes, exhentai and fakku.. THIS IS NOT NATRUAL BEHAVIOR. this is chemical warefare being used to inhibit human lifecycle via alien biological warefare.
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>>2581137 TL;DR- OP is a faggot
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>>2581205 ...Sailor Moon is a girl cartoon for children anon. This does not come close to encompassing anime as a genre.
>>2581201 Postmarks, coins, minerals etc. People colect lots of things with no practical purpose. But those things give them estethic pleasure, thats not something practical per se, but its not something completely deprived of value either. Im not here to bash or defend anime, but if you want to critisize something you need to make a sound points, not hurr durr you are not a real man.
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>>2581203 your gf secretly hates you
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Phew good thing i'm a gypsy. Time to use some black magic on the filthy whites to turn them infertile.
>>2581137 Fuck off. Anime and manga are pretty much the only media not infested with blatant SJW cancer. I follow two animes atm, literally 40 minutes per week.
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>>2581208 I find the idea of wasting personal resources to hoard useless trinkets to be extremely childish and degenerate. I think that is a sound argument. I find your argument for esthetic pleasure to be weak. Seek that pleasure in productive, or at least less wasteful ways. That is just my opinion, I understand that a lot of productive men keep collections, I do not.
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>>2581137 I must be the weird one because I despise anime (except for Shirow and Otomo) but I unironically love Japan.
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>>2581212 >I follow two animes atm, literally 40 minutes per week. [LYING INTENSIFIES]
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>>2581137 >t. Fag who doesn't watch Dragon Ball Super's tournament of power Anonymous
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See told you so, drumpf tards.
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>>2581137 it's another episode of "nazi flag shitposter being retarded", folks
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A man should do things Give his woman money Work more to give more money to his woman If you do anything else you are a loser
>>2581212 faggot ball z is stupid, I hate the artstyle and it's just a bunch of faggots having tempter tantrums for 10 minutes before they throw a punch
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Fact: the beauty archetype for a woman in anime is the Aryan woman.
Literally can't stand white trash weebs who obsess over shitty cartoons. All anime looks the same. It's okay to watch family guy and south park cause its just like a funny sitcom with mature humor
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There is no place for kikes and niggers in anime.
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>so upset he made a THIRD thread post smugs
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>>2581220 t. never watched DBZ, only clips
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>>2581224 >mature humor You have to be 18 to post here.
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Good shitposting OP. You totally showed and convince everyone.
>>2581137 >you're a traitor for liking stuff from another culture things /pol/ unironically believes
hi pol, give me some redpilled MANime
>>2581343 South Park, Family guy, American Dad, Old simpsons
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>>2581137 Christian's sin more then their own devil's,
and so do you,
make it to yourself and stfu.
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>>2581352 Metalocalypse and Duck Man aswell
here is anime wallpaper op set it as his wallpaper please
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>>2581367 God, this series is a train-wreck of forced drama.
>muh genuine Anonymous
>>2581341 >/pol/ is one person No. If anything this thread proves the opposite
>>2581367 anime is so fucking pathetic,, I like pretty girls yeah, but when I want to see a pretty girl I go to chaturbate or somewhere. I dont look at faggy cartoons drawn by a man
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>>2581379 >ID is literally /D/ Doubt.
>>2581379 i dont find real girls pretty though anon
the world isn't as black and white as you think, you'll understand when you're older
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>>2581376 i didn't read the thread or the OP, but thanks for clarifying
>>2581401 you have mental problems and autism
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>>2581379 >watching anime for waifushit I will never understand this. I watch anime for good stories and outlandish action.
>>2581343 See
>>2581200 Anonymous
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>>2581408 And you need to go back
>>2581343 don't you mean redpilled manime haircuts?
>>2581200 >Tanya, One Punch, or Berserk >good >Tanya, One Punch, or Berserk >powerful If you want to watch something fucking powerful and epic go watch GaoGaiGar
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gPROHyBKFY Anonymous
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>>2581418 You know, you can suggest a show without being a complete cunt.
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>>2581418 Gaudy, overdramatic acting and animation does not make a show good or epic. I might enjoy this show, I mean I love Gurren Lagann, but I wouldnt recommend that shit to normies.
>>2581449 >I mean I love Gurren Lagann Anonymous
>>2581459 Not even ashamed to admit it. Im not the one going around shitting on other peoples personal taste. I dont frequent hobby boards, your behavior is pathetic.
You seriously linked me to
>muh voltron for adults and proceeded to criticize my pick of shows, while providing literally NO argument as to why.
What the hell?
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I need a redpilled haircut
>>2581494 I got deported from the board where we debate things rationally, im trying to understand the rationality behind this anons posts. Is this someones attempt at trolling? Im not familiar with /bant/ culture, it seems pretty shit.
>>2581510 You cant say one good thing about your show? You cant say one bad thing about any of my shows? Yet, your opinion is supposed to hold weight?
>>2581520 If you're looking for serious discussions, you've come to the right place
>>2581807 That's not nice.
>>2581859 FUCK LEAFS
>>2581558 An entire board dedicated to one liners and smugposting, i think im starting to catch on.
In all serious, as far as animes go, adult voltron with gay squealing fairy boy and literal wtf character design, is not going to immediately strike someone as, omg so ebin, must watch.
To suggest that right off implies not only poor taste, but very low social awareness.
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>>2581859 He just liked the picture you posted, it was a proposition.
>>2581980 >In all serious, as far as animes go, Is anime serious business to you anon?
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>>2582007 Its a turn of phrase, just a generic way to start a sentence while changing the subject. You already know that though.
You enjoy posting smug anime characters along with one line comments, i enjoy having well thought out discussions about random topics. By some happy accident we have met up in this strange containment board.
I guess what im trying to say is, to each their own.