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No.2607687 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Tell me your nigger stories /pol/.

Here's mine:

>be me

>be 15

>go to KFC with my parents

>see fairly large black family

>their kids are running around rampant and I almost trip over one

>get my food

>parents tell me to get a seat

>I get one that is far away from the nig-nogs but has a perfect view of them

>this is going to be good

>they start to fight over something

>they start to throw the word "nigga" around like they throw basketballs


>think they are yelling at each other as usual when I realize I'm being spoke to

>look up

>see fat black tard standing there

>I start to feel nervous but he leaves

>he slowly walks back to the main group of nig-nogs

>he's about 3 feet away from the table when he trips over some junk that the nig-nogs simply couldn't keep on their table

>he makes a "DUR!" sound as he falls over

>every single thing on the table is pulverized

>the nig-nogs start to freak out

>ALL I can hear is "YO NIGGA!"

>the little ones that were running around are now jumping off of tables and making screeching sounds

>every nig-nog is either on the tards side or not

>they start to fight

>the tard slips away

>he goes up to a vending machine

>he shoves his arm in it and it gets stuck

>my parents yell at me for laughing

>random big black bitch starts to yell at me for laughing

>we leave