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ID:R+0SwpzD No.2632326 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>hating anime
Seriously? Are you really butthurt over chinese cartoons? You must be one of the most pathetic redditors I've ever come across in my life.

>b-but 4chan isn't an anime website
What was it created for then? I can recommend a great non anime website starting with R, see if your fragile brain can figure out what it is, scum.

I sincerely hope that faggots like you get their balls dipped in a vat of nuclear waste and are forced to drink acid for the rest of your worthless little lives.

>i-I have a life unlike you, posting anime on the internet all day!
Oh really? Then why the fuck are you complaining about cartoons 24/7 retard?

I fall into an uncontrollable fit of laughter when I see a post with the word an*mefag. Get a hobby, you are worth less to me than dirt on the bottom of my shoe