>>2640872Watch Real Social Dymamics vids on youtube - it will show you how the right attitude and masculine energy can get you out of that.
Basically, woman have it harder in that if they're not attractive they're fucked. They won't be able to have the 'pretty girl' life and get the higher value guys, because looks matter to men. That said, any woman, even the ugly and fat ones, still have a lot of men approaching them constantly - they don't even have to DO anything except maybe some basic upkeep - and they'll never have to go to bed alone if they don't want to.
With men, it's seemingly harder at first. Mediocrity isn't enough. You have to be one of the winners, demonstrate social value. And yeah, being taller or having good looks helps with this, it means it comes easier. So if you're not on top of your game and you don't have impressive looks or whatever, you can go years without anything. HOWEVER, the great thing about being a guy is that, although we actually are challenged more to step up and learn how to be confident and winning... once you do that, the looks / height / money thing doesn't even matter. You can basically just be in a kind of alpha / sexy / confident mode all the time, which is based in a solid internal self belief that comes from the understanding of how it works.
Some of the keys to this is that woman want VALUE. It's not so much the sexiness of the guy, it's more of a kind of admiration of his coolness / impressiveness / power. Think of when you were much younger and there was a cool older person you admired. That's closer to how women see attractive men. Secondly, women are emotional and receptive, and feel whatever emotion you give off. So you have to exude good feelings. You know those guys not that good looking but they have a cocky, funny vibe and always have girls? That's why. Girls want to be in the car with the fun winner. But you can learn how to be that, gradually. The key is going out a lot.