>>2655821No porn dumbps or rekt threads here, we tease eachother about our countries and races but we get along in general, most people here admit when they are being a faggot myself included, we hate /pol/ and frogposters, apu is the only exception, we also wish eachother goodnight here, we have risk threads, adventure threads, boss raids, and drawthreads, get used to some imptrash from pol here and there, cirno spam everynow and then as well, and brace yourself if you see an image of tails sitting on a bench, also no log posting we have our own version of that having to do with some trap's farts, by the way if you see an image of homer simpson on a post that says "okay /bant/ real talk" thats a copypasta, the board is most active at night and midday and its kind of like a rollercoaster sometimes /bant/ is pretty shit but sometimes its pretty fucking good, and there is a real sence of community here even if we are all faggots, just dont be a fucking cunt, have fun, and do your best to make quality posts, in resume, thats /bant/ in general