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ID:c75iGJrW No.2657368 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Last week the best and probably most disgusting thing I have ever wittnessed in my life happened

>be me
>in college
>In english class, watching movie
>need to shit really hard
>go to toilet
>smell of death everywhere
>its usually never this bad on the toilets up here in the building
>2 Stalls
>Check first one
>someone had a huge diarrheashit on the rim between the toilet seat and the cover
>its fucking all over
>have to laugh more than I have to vomit
>notice a pair of boxers behind the toilet on the ground
>Its full of fucking shit
>just go over to the next stall since I still have to shit badly
>Sit down
>start doing my business
>hear bathroom door open
>someone goes in
>hear the door of the stall next to me getting closed
>he went in
>must have been urgent
>hear him running out
>at this point my face hurts from surpressing the laughter
