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ID:r1bIvEB6 No.2660916 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I fucking hate niggers I am going to drink some tea drink some tea I wish I was a woman so I could live on easy mode with cheat codes but still retain my superior male brain I wish I lived in a place that had a better sexual market that benefited men instead of sluts who only want chad like middle America instead of California. I wish I lived in a VR paradise with a perfect AI loli waifu instead of having to rot away and age waiting for this dream which will probably exist when I'm an old man. I wish the Jews didn't ruin everything. I wish people weren't Brainwashed. I wish I was bluepilled so I can be happy. I wish my parents didn't give meds when I was a kid that stunted my growth and made me have gynocomastia. I wish every medium that I enjoyed wasn't being constantly filled with Jewish propoganda and cultural Marxist subversion. I wish I had a dad who stuck around and taught me how to be successful in life. I wish my mother wasn't dumb fucking idiot who married my step dad who is an awful fucking person who listens to Bill Maher as his God and is a serial mental abuser. I wish my parents taught me about diet and calorie control when I was a child so I didn't have to grow up fat and then have a hard time losing all the weight I accumulated as a child because of my dumb fucking parents. I wish I wasn't a NEET and I knew how to succeed and life and make money. I hate that I have no fucking air conditioning and it's like 90-100 degrees where I live in fucking october. I wish I had certain drugs like LSD OR Shrooms to see if it'd actually cure my depression. I wish my gaming computer wasn't enough fucking piece of trash and I could at least enjoy one of the only things keeping me from going insane and going on a killing spree at its fullest potential. I wish I had a car. I wish that Donald Trump actually did what the people who voted for him wanted him to do. I hope everyone I don't like dies by the time I post this and go straight to hell. Fuck you scumbags fuck me.