I feel I speak for the silent majority of loyalists when I say that an independent /bant/ would be disastrous. our people are all first generation migrants, and all the culture comes from their home boards. the only memes created domestically have been utter failures and it is only the remnants of /int/ /pol/ and /b/ that are feebly holding this board up. our meme economy is nowhere as potent as the economic powerhouses of /r9k/ and /a/. Hell, even /fa/ and /sci/ have better memes than /bant/. if we were to lose access to the important memes from the fatherboards, /bant/ will capitulate within the fortnight. These are tumultous times indeed, and we should come together as one and reject the foolhardy optimism of The Leaf and pay the necessary obeisances to our /pol/itical and /b/conomic overlords and ask their forgiveness, lest they embargo us.