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ID:Iv5uPXj+ No.2690054 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Kill yourself you fucking French speaking cunt. I hope you die from eating all that fucking poutine like the fucking retard you are. If I could I'd make sure all maple syrup ever became fucking poisonous because your whole country deserves to fucking die. You're the purest form of cancer and I sincerely hope all of your race mixing acquaintances die from hiv like the homosexuals they are. You are not worthy of oxygen and I honestly can't see why I'm even fucking writing this besides the fact that I'm kinda drunk. You're probably the kind of leaf to kill himself and because an American told you to blow it out your ass while all you want is a strong and manly American to blow it in your tight boipucci. Leafs like you should really just castrate themselves and become loyal slaves to the rest of the world. If there's a terrorist attack tomorrow you'll know my friend Achmed did it you fucking superinducting cunt. I hope you see how fucking worthless you are and off yourself by choking on a fat black cock. I don't know where this shit is going besides the fact that I hate you simply for hindering me from getting repeating numericals in my post number. You're such a fucking fuckass I'd love to fuck your right ass and make you scream for your daddy who'd probably storm in and see you with a big bright smile while having your ass stretched by this Swedish cock. Inb4 "hurr durr swedes are all ayrabs" kill yourself for thinking that, the so called racist party is on the rise and we'll fuck every last immigrant to death. I wish that you would simply drop dead and a fucking nigger would shank you and steal what tiny amount of cash you carry. You would probably love to be forced to wear an electric buttplug a whole day while I remotely control the electrical impulses until your sphincter turns the buttplug to dust. I just wish I could blow a load on your face and stick a note to is that says "fuck you, you faggot". In conclusion I hope you die