>>281555It's her choice, she's a consenting adult. We're here for a good time, not a long time. Everything is out to kill you in this world and a long life hardly guarantees a good life. Besides, no one's bodies and health are universal.
Some people smoke or drink all their lives and die old, others smoke/drink and die quickly. If they want to smoke/drink (out of public areas where it'll effect others breathing it, etc), then they should be able to. It's a consent thing.
Either way, we're happy and sex and food are far healthier addictions than drugs, alcohol and the lot. Our choice, our consequences.
Also, this question is brought up almost word for word all over the place; its concern troll 101
Moving on.
The base of the stomach has a pressure point that has some sort of cross wiring with the nerve root of the clitoris; lots of stuffer girls will say that it just makes things more intense. The clitoris is more engorged afterwords and if you got at it enough the nausea and the pain turns into pleasure. It's kind of the same thing with having a full bladder or spanking, etc. It twists one nerve reaction into a different one.
Sometimes though, yeah, she'll get nausea from it all, and need to lie down and cradle her belly while I use a toy to get her started. Of course that usually leads to more teasing and twisting the sensation again.
>>281770I don't have a heart attack fetish, but I know guys who do. Essentially its a corrupted version of an orgasm. Its an involuntary response that causes a huge reaction in the body spured on bu the depravity of it. Its a finality, the end result of uncontrolled hedonism. Essentially its not the heart attack itself, but the concept.
But that's just my interpretation. I don't know for sure.