[28 / 15 / ?]

49KiB, 736x788, 346618cfad73e424f2dc48a1bde0b032--in-the-light-choir.jpg
Time for a good old niceposting thread!
But I'm sick of all these typically rude country's infiltrating!
That is why they have been banned! anyone cought breaking this rule will perish by firing squad.
Rude country's include: (but aren't limited to) burgers, bongs, krauts, saudis and pretty much anyone from the middle east.
But I'm sick of all these typically rude country's infiltrating!
That is why they have been banned! anyone cought breaking this rule will perish by firing squad.
Rude country's include: (but aren't limited to) burgers, bongs, krauts, saudis and pretty much anyone from the middle east.