>>2710731I was born and grew up here. This place is what you make it, really. Some claim it's a crime ridden cesspool and others claim it's paradise. Me? I don't know. It has it's downfalls as do all places but it's home, you know? It's practically all I know and are used to at this point.
I don't live in Manhattan, but instead one of the boroughs. The particular borough I'm in has become home to large amount of Eastern Asians, primarily Korean and Chinese, with some Japanese scattered here or there but I digress.
It's a culture shock. It was never like this so I'm slowly getting accustomed to our new inhabitants, when I was younger, it was mostly home to Italian and Irish. They had their mom 'n pop shops, corner-stores, deli/butchers, and so on.
Now? I see Korean plastered everywhere, places that I used to frequent have come and go. But I'm not complaining; It is what it is. Time passes on, might as well get used to it. Sure it's somewhat saddening that while others have moved away, some to another borough, or out of state, I'm still lingering but I don't like to get caught up in the pass.
I suppose that's another reason why I've decided to learn Korean. Just to get a sense of my surroundings.
I like to ramble on a lot, sorry if it's too long.