>>2709653The problem isn't mods "not doing their jobs", they enforce most of the global rules alright. The problem is a disconnect between what the mods want for 4chan and what the community wants for 4chan. This was a problem even when moot was around, but it got really noticeable after Hiroyuki took charge. Since he's almost never around, the mods just ran wild. On /a/ and /jp/ they've become completely tyrannical, (most noticeably with I_AM_ABIB) and there are many other boards where they delete stuff that shouldn't be deleted, or leave stuff that shouldn't be left. And of course we're all familiar with the imptrash problem on /bant/. In order for this problem to be fixed, we need a new moot at the head of the site who actually listens and respects what the community has to say, who can make overarching decisions and keep the mods in check. Then the problem mods need to be weeded out and replaced with people who really care about the state of the community.
Then, once all that has happened, the crackdown on cancerous boards like /b/ and /pol/ can start, and the state of other boards can be improved.