[18 / 12 / ?]
Do you even THINK you know the truth about a poultry farm's demographics, kid? Let me tell you, cock, fowl, chick to chick; you don't know SHIT. You're on thin ice, boy, s*Shifag ice. Let me tell you about the demographics of a poultry farm; their white population is 10%. TEN FUCKING PERCENT, you hear me buddy? Well over a MILLION huwite Chickens out there and you still seem to think we're a bunch of dumb, ugly, unsophisticated animal scum. Here's the truth though; WE AREN'T. Chickens get so much flak for being lame, retarded, fat birds yet it's the TURKEY seedfuckers that are, much more so than us. In fact, more Chickens are graduating from trick-schools now than ever before in recent years, and there's no end of the increase in sight. But there is MILLIONS of TURKEY, DUCK and PHEASANT SCUM flailing around like suicidal utter morons, every DAY and no one seems to bat an eye. Typical, the J*w has tricked the world and an entire """white""" nation that the turkeys are of Chicken origin. Pathetic. Chickens are the one true Aryan master race, it is clear and all discovered by taking a visit to a poultry farm. The UV rays are so bright (white, basically) that they can blind outsiders, the Chickens up north as so white that their feathers penetrate the very soul of the Flightless, they are a great people, the Chickens. Learn the difference, /bant/, it can save your life.